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Ketamine: A Transformational Catalyst

Ketamine: A Transformational Catalyst

Review of The Ketamine Papers: Science, Therapy, and Transformation edited by Phil Wolfson, M.D., and Glenn Hartelius, Ph.D. Author: Michael Ziegler MAPS Bulletin Winter 2016: Vol. 26, No. 3 – Annual Report Download this article. Michael Ziegler Phil Wolfson, M.D.,...

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  1. Ketamine, A transformational catalyst
  2. Ketamine—50 years in use: from anesthesia to rapid antidepressant effects and neurobiological mechanisms
  3. Ketamine treatment for depression: a review
  4. At-home, sublingual ketamine telehealth is a safe and effective treatment for moderate to severe anxiety and depression: Findings from a large, prospective, open-label effectiveness trial
  5. Active mechanisms of ketamine-assisted psychotherapy: A systematic review
  6. Pharmacological, neural, and psychological mechanisms underlying psychedelics: A critical review

Call for Subjects who are SYNESTHETES, or believe they may be.

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Association for Creative Advancement of Societal Evolution (A CASE)