
In psychotherapy, we work with people ready to face the burden of stuckness. What is daunting and overwhelming at first is the beginning of a process that ignites courage, creativity, and access to innate intelligence


Our realities are shaped by multiple influences. With a client-centered approach, the intricacies of our clients’ unique historical experiences and culture are key. Through a foundational alliance, our clients gain important critical insights and make meaningful self-directed change.

☑️ Individuals

☑️ Couples & Families

☑️ Groups

Common Areas of Practice

Chronic Pain

Sleep problems

Trauma and Historical Adversity

Disordered Anxiety & Rumination

Chronic Physiologic Conditions

Repetitive and Compulsive Behaviors

Acculturative Stress

ADHD & Executive Functioning Challenges


Gender Identity Development support

Borderline and Challenging Personality Features

Bipolar and Depressive Disorders

Existential Illness and Life Crises

Grief and Complex Grief

Relational Conflict


Self-Esteem & Self-Confidence

Work and Sport Performance

Life Transitions 

Families Struggling with Parenting

Learning Differences & Assets

Harmful Behaviors

Self Harm

Client-Centered Frameworks around Attunement

Internal Family System (IFS)

Cognitive Processing Therapy & Neuro-Linguistic Reprogramming

Drama Triangle Codependency

Couples therapy


Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

Habits of Mind

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Group therapy

Second Opinions and Differential Diagnosis

Conscious Leadership

Somatic Experiencing and Movement

Pain Reprocessing Therapy

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

Attachment-Based Family Therapy (ABFT)

Interprofessional Collaboration


“It is overwhelming to put into words the impact Dr. Jodie has had on my life. Prior to working with her, I was disconnected from myself and numb. I was at the mercy of the ups and downs of life, and my behavior was erratic. Through our work, I have recovered from a longstanding eating disorder, have learned to manage PTSD after years of suppressing childhood sexual assault, and have survived suicidal ideation. Dr. Jodie has also helped me navigate a number of difficult medical diagnoses. This list does not begin to capture the enormity of my internal transformation from someone who believed I had little agency, worth, or value in this world, into a person who is deeply connected to, proud of, and in love with who I am every day. Today, I feel grounded and skilled to navigate both the difficulties and joys of life, excited to keep discovering, learning, adjusting, and readjusting as an individual, partner, friend, and family member. Though Jodie always reminds me that I am responsible for getting myself here, she has been the catalyst, guide, and teacher through this incredible journey.”

I.W. (30)

“Dr. Jodie is my most recent therapist in a lifetime spent jumping from doctor to doctor. And now, I can stop looking! Jodie has such an uncanny way of zeroing in on information, whether extracted by her insightful line of questioning or just by observation and connecting the dots. She is able to see patterns and expose underlying conflicts that may be affecting current behavior. She is the first therapist to present tangible, practical, pragmatic solutions to current problematic behavior or thinking. It is not an ivory tower situation. Additionally, she always treats me as a peer and the appointments seem more like meetings. I actually enjoy them and look forward to the next one each week. Jodie is a keeper!!!”

Lisa A. (47)

“What immediately resonated with me about Dr. Jodie’s approach is her integration of science-based therapeutic methods with a genuine understanding of me as a whole person. She has a keen sense of when to hold gentle space and when to challenge me to dig deeper. Our sessions are a place I feel safe, nurtured, and strong enough to face difficult and scary things. Moreover, I am in awe of the investment Dr. Jodie makes in our work and her practice as a therapist. She regularly shares relevant resources and new research in psychology and neurobiology that she has gleaned from her own commitment to learning via conferences and seminars. I am so deeply grateful for my time with Dr. Jodie and for the continued impact in every session.”

JOE M. (61)

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